Faculty Profiles
Papen, George
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced photonic systems including optical communication systems, optical networking, and environmental and atmospheric remote sensing.
Parhi, Rahul
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Functional/harmonic analysis, signal processing, machine learning, nonparametric statistics, and deep learning
Pascal, Tod
Associate Professor, NanoEngineering
Theoretical and Computational Spectroscopy, Materials Physics, Electro Chemistry and Nanotechnology
Pasquale, Joseph
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Operating systems, distributed systems and networks, focusing on performance and reliability of Internet-scale systems with highly decentralized control
Paturi, Ramamohan
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Algorithms, complexity theory, satisfiability, lower bounds, digital libraries, data mining, machine learning, and information technology (IT) education.
Pawlak, Eugene
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Coastal and estuarine turbulent mixing processes and their interactions with topographic features.
Pevzner, Pavel
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computational molecular biology and bioinformatics, including pattern finding, DNA sequencing, DNA arrays, genome rearrangements, computational proteomics.